Thursday, February 3, 2011

Returning Home

8/12/10:  4am comes way too soon...

Cherie kindly arranged to have a friend of hers (who does taxi service) drive us to the airport so we could catch our flight home.  Bleary-eyed, we loaded up the car and said goodbye to Casa Walker.  Had hoped to have a decent breakfast at the airport, but the best we could do was Burger King... again.

Travel days are usually a blur, but one aspect of this day will never be forgotten.  For whatever reason, our first flight ran way behind schedule, giving us VERY little time to make our connection.  We got off the plane and RAN through the airport with the kids and our bags, making it to the check in counter as the last passengers were boarding.  No problem with getting on the plane, other than the fact that it was a full flight and we were told we couldn't bring our carry-ons with us.  We would have to check the bags we had with us.

Ok, so you're telling me I'm supposed to check my cameras, microphones, hard drive, telephone...all the electronic equipment...even the Wii?  We had two carry-on bags STUFFED with fragile equipment, and I'm supposed to hand it over to have it thrown in the bottom of the plane?  No can do.  I may as well have tossed it all in the trash.

The result is that we were not allowed on the plane and had to wait for another flight a couple of hours later.  Ughhh.  Two bored kids, two tired parents, stuck in the airport for two more hours.  Double ughhh.

I've resigned myself to the fact that NONE of our trips happen without at least one day of rough travel.  Usually that happens on the return home, so that any relaxation that was achieved by even going on vacation can be completely unraveled. But once we were finally able to board the new plane, the remaining flight was rather uneventful (and that's perfectly fine). 

I must admit we had one very nice surprise waiting for us when we arrived at the airport.  The town car we had reserved to take us home was not available; so the driver showed up for us in a stretch limousine instead!

After such a long day, it was so nice to stretch our legs, have a drink, and relax in comfort.  The kids got such a kick out of the luxurious ride in a "big fancy car", and one of the boys on the street did a real double take as we pulled up to our house.  I can only imagine what the neighbors thought.  Here we leave the country for a full month, and when we finally return, it's in a stretch limo, like we're somebody important. What a life!

And that's our story.  Back at home in one piece, missing Mérida, but happy to relax a while.  We survived a whole month abroad (happily) and would gladly do it again.  We had such a great time, met some fantastic people, saw lots of amazing sights, and gave our children the experience of a lifetime.

We are truly blessed, and will always remain grateful for this tremendous opportunity. Looking forward to a return visit someday!

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